In this day and age, what matters most is the safety, reliability and quality of products. Every product must be safe not only for the consumer but also for the environment. Here’s where the manufacturing of products come into play. It’s important to understand the environment’s damage is damage to humankind. The environment provides for you what you provide for the environment. It’s about time, we take the environmental damage seriously and work on improving the condition of the environment. After all, human health is what suffers most when the environment is damaged. Thus, we must protect the environment.
Now, BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) is a statutory body established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016. BIS, through its core activities of standardization and conformity assessment, has been benefiting the economy by providing specification standards and codes for safe, reliable and quality goods; minimizing health hazards to consumers; protecting the environment, promoting exports and imports substitute; controlling the proliferation of varieties, etc.
When it comes to construction materials, there’s been enough damage done to the consumers and environment. However, today when products are manufactured as per BIS specifications there’s not just a scope of improvement but also an assurance of product safety and environmental protection. This makes a huge difference. MYK LATICRETE puts the health of the consumers and environment safety first. MYK LATICRETE believes minimizing health hazards to consumers and protecting the environment matters most. MYK LATICRETE tile adhesives are manufactured as per the latest specification of Bureau of Indian Standards – IS 15477:2019.
We all want the best for our environment and ourselves, isn’t it? Therefore, it is important to make the right call by choosing trusted and safe products, especially when it comes to products from the tile and stone installation industry. MYK LATICRETE tile adhesives are manufactured as per the specification of Bureau of Indian Standards, the list of specifications is as below.
For durable and strong tile installations, make sure you always use MYK LATICRETE’s safe and reliable tile adhesives. MYK LATICRETE is proud to be BIS certified.