Tradionally, tiles have been installed by using cement and sand slurry. However this method has its inherent problems. Because cement shrinks after drying it leaves hollow spaces below tile surface. These are weak spots in a floor and any impact will result in tile chipping or cracking. For a durable and trouble free installation of tiles adhesives is the right solution.
What is the Tile Adhesive?
Tile Adhesive is a factory-made specially formulated dry powder that is mixed with water or latex additive to form a consistent paste for problem-free tile installation. In the market, there are innumerable types of Tile-Adhesives which vary in the composition & quality due to its ingredients and process of manufacture. MYK LATICRETE has pioneered Tile-Adhesives in India after extensive R&D, reason why they are superior in quality and performance.
MYK LATICRETE tile adhesives has a large range to offer because one type of adhesive is not suitable for every type of tiles and stone. Choose a specific variant of MYK LATICRETE tile adhesive for type of tile or stone.
Bonding Issues of Cement & Tile Adhesives
The mixture of cement dries and shrinks. This creates void underneath the tiles after tile installation is done. This results in poor bonding between the tile and cement and also generates an aesthetic problem by allowing fragile areas to develop cracks with time.
Whereas, MYK LATICRETE Tile Adhesive is a fine paste that uniformly spreads across the tile to form a consistent bond and a firm base across the entire surface. Moreover, tile adhesive doesn’t require water curing and tiles set faster.

Comparing Working Quality of Cement & Tile Adhesives
Laying tiles with Cement is indeed a time-consuming and labour intensive process. The process is slow and involves soaking of tiles before installation. The making of cement slurry is a messy affair which consumes substantial quantity of sand and water.
MYK LATICRETE Tile Adhesives can be applied easily & effeciiently with the help of a notched trowel. This helps in avoiding many future problems like tile-cracking, water-seeping, and weak bond with the substrate. Tiling with MYK LATICRETE Tile Adhesives is much faster process.

Make the Right Choice for your Pocket.
Cement is a cheaper material when compared to Tile Adhesives. But MYK LATICRETE Tile Adhesives is value for money. You are likely to spend more on skilled mason and material while tiling with cement. Whereas, MYK LATICRETE Tile Adhesives help you curb wastage on material and resources used to tile the floor & walls and leaves no mess.
Why MYK LATICRETE Tile Adhesive is the best?
MYK LATICRETE Tile Adhesive is innovative designed to provide a strong bond. MYK LATICRETE can meet all your tile application demands. You can choose from the varied range of Tile-Adhesive to perfectly suit your unique set of substrates & tile or stone format. Be it small, large, glass, ceramic, or plastic. MYK LATICRETE Tile Adhesives are designed to offer a firm bond to all your residential and commercial tiling requirements.